CCCWP Vision And Mission Statement

Currently, the Lord is creating a new wine skin to facilitate the 21st century church. To be the true salt and light that Jesus Christ called us to be, we must now become a wall-less church that influences society. Man was created for Kingdom conquest and adventure (Genesis 1:26-28); when the Kingdom is only a Sunday event, man’s need and passion for conquest is misplaced. When men and women in the marketplace do not have a clear vision regarding their calling in the seven spheres of society, their conquest and adventure will be misdirected. Misplaced conquest and adventure will lead man to sinful, unproductive lives. When King David was meant to be on the battlefield, he was found in the bedroom; this is misplaced conquest. Today’s true battlefield is in the marketplace, or what we call the seven mountains of society: family, church, media, government education, arts/entertainment, and finance/business (Isaiah 2:2). As 21st-century marketplace leaders and change-agents, we are called to recover and restore the earth for God and bring it under His Kingdom rule (Luke 19:10).

The Christian Chamber of Commerce of Western Pennsylvania is an empowerment agency to equip, train and prepare marketplace leaders to influence, transform and lead the 21st century Kingdom reformation. Every believer is chosen by the Lord and called to be kings and priests unto our God (Rev: 1:6). As priests in the marketplace, we are called to minister to everyone in our sphere, praying for them, healing them, prophesying into their purpose, encouraging them and leading them into an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. As kings, we are to rule over every circumstance, take dominion over principalities and powers that keep our cities and people captive and influence the sphere the Lord has assigned to us (Luke 10:19). Our pursuit in the marketplace is not just for revival, but the establishment of Christ’s Kingdom in the planet (Matt. 6:10).

The current war we face in the world is for culture and economics; we are called to create a new Kingdom culture and finance it for the glory of God (Deut. 8:18). Our mission in the marketplace is to bring deliverance in the earth, to occupy it, and then fill it with the glory of God. The Kingdom of God is more than evangelism, deliverance and salvation; it is to recover, reform and refill the earth with Christ’s Kingdom (Matt. 28:18-20). Kingdom reformation and restoration is the only answer to the world’s present chaos. Our mandate at CCCWP is to corporately fulfill God’s redemptive plan for our city and region through revival and reformation in the marketplace (Psalms 2:8).

As major paradigm shifts occur in cultural, governmental, familial and socioeconomic spheres in the world, a clarion call is going out to vanguard leaders to rise up and take the lead in this transformation of our society’s infrastructure. The core values of CCCWP are more than philosophies and principles, but cohesive covenant relationships that will empower each member to fulfill his or her designed destiny in Christ. Covenant means stepping beyond our individuality into corporate greatness, a greatness that is superior to anything we can accomplish alone. We are about covenant relationships, plain and simple. Anything else is a violation of God’s heart and would be tainted with man’s impure motives. We will create these interpersonal relationships through CCCWP conferences, webinars and functional projects that will impact our world for generations to come.


Dr. Mark Kauffman

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